Reclaim Education – Teaching Liberty in the Classroom

Reclaim Education

Serious-minded Patriots realize that one of the most critical problems facing our future as a viable Constitutional Republic is the fact that our Nation’s education system is dominated by professors and teachers who are either ignorant of or are simply hostile to the basic principles and values of the free-market / limited-government philosophy that held sway for the first century and a half of our Nation’s history.

We are now experiencing the consequences of the gradual, step-by-step abandonment of those Founding principles and values in our economic, political/civic, and cultural lives.

If we leave our young people’s teachers on their own, we will simply perpetuate the status quo and contribute to the continuation of our Nation’s downward economic, political/civic, and cultural slide – the end point of which is too sad to contemplate.

To help our high school teachers provide the grounding our teenagers desperately need if we, and they, are to restore America’s traditional Constitutional principles and values, WE need to provide those teachers themselves the teaching tools required to enable them to do so.

Our National, non-partisan, high school Social Studies curriculum enrichment program, OPERATION 2000+ has been working towards this patriotic goal in selected high schools throughout the Nation for over two decades.

YOU can play an important role in this patriotic effort by choosing to provide high school classroom teachers in your local area – public/private/parochial – a SPONSORSHIP(s) to make it possible for them to participate in our exciting, non-partisan, pro-con formatted, strongly academic OPERATION 2000+ curriculum enrichment program.

The following make ideal SPONSORS for this pro-America activity: individuals / business firms & associations such as Chambers of Commerce / community service organizations such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Civitan, Lions, etc. / civic, veterans & other patriotic groups / religious organizations / political groups / Foundations.

For just $250.00 per SPONSORED high school, we will send a series of nine (9) public-policy resource theme-packets – sent on a one-packet-per-month basis during the school year – directly to the Social Studies Department in each SPONSORED high school.

These theme-packets provide extensive resource materials on current National public-policy issues.  Teachers appreciate the fact that these packets save them much valuable research time in preparing their Lesson Plans for classroom presentations AND students really get excited about the multiple opportunities for classroom discussion / debate afforded them.

Patriots like to SPONSOR this program because OPERATION 2000+ includes material not often found in much / most of the curriculum enrichment materials generally available – especially our program’s emphasis on information relating to the Foundational principles  & values of our Republic:  individual rights & responsibilities / private property / free-market economics / limited Constitutional government.

How important is this effort?  Here’s proof positive of the importance of properly educating our young people:  If the youth vote (ages 18-29) in Florida, Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania had split 50-50 (Obama carried them by 60%), Romney would have won those states – and with them the White House!!!

To learn more about this exciting pro-America educational program, please contact me for detailed free information.

Send your e-mail address to and I will e-mail extensive free information concerning this activity.

I can also be reached at Post Office Box 153, East Petersburg, Pennsylvania 17520 or at (717) 665-3397.

Please keep in mind what is at stake.  Nothing less than the individual liberty of all Americans – both those living and those not yet born – is at stake.

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Reclaim Education – Teaching Liberty in the Classroom

Sponsor a High School