SATIRE: Bernie Sanders Announces Running Mate Ilhan Omar

Bernie Sanders and Running Mate Ilhan Omar

Breaking News: Bernie Sanders announces that if nominated for POTUS his running mate will be Squad Member Omar  

Carlos Delicto, Reporting from New Hampshire

In a move that was not expected by his closest staff members, Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders announced in Manchester, New Hampshire recently that, if he is the Democratic Party nominee for the Presidency, his running mate will be Congresswoman Ilhan Abdullahi Omar of Minnesota.

Omar is widely recognized as the co-leader of a group of four freshpersons in the U.S. House of Representatives who have taken control of the House majority party’s agenda since they were elected in 2016.  The four legislators call themselves “The Squad”.

In selecting Omar, Bernie firmly aligns his candidacy with another far-left radical who, in addition to sharing many, if not all, of his political ideology, is also a woman of color, thus fulfilling two categories of victim-status qualification.

“Omar is the first Somali-American, the first naturalized citizen from Africa, and the first non-white woman elected from Minnesota, and one of the first of two Muslim women (along with Rashida Tlaib of Michigan) to serve in Congress.” (Wikipedia)

She is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and has advocated for “a living wage, affordable housing and universal healthcare, student loan debt forgiveness, the protection of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, and abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”

She, also, opposes President Trump’s immigration policies, and his travel ban.

Omar has condemned Israel’s settlement policy and military campaigns in the occupied Palestinian territories, and stands against the role of pro-Israel lobbies in the U.S.

In short, there’s not enough distance between her and Bernie for a mouse run.

In New Hampshire, Bernie described his running-mate-to-be as “one of the most extraordinary people in American politics,” Fox News reported.

When asked about her alleged romantic relationship with a former Muslim male member of the U.S. House of Representative, and now the Minnesota Attorney General, Keith Maurice Ellison, Omar refused to acknowledge the question and merely smiled.

When he was asked, Ellison had no comment.

The Squad

(Omar is portrayed on the right)