Agenda 21 and Alabama Forever Wild are not so Distant Cousins – Vote No!


Okay those of you living in Alabama, may I please have your attention for a few minutes.

Visiting you are certainly aware of the dangers of Agenda 21 and the Wildlands project.

What you may also know, Alabama is the first state in the nation to reject Agenda 21 and its reaches into every aspect of our lives.

We have one more task at hand to complete the rejection of Agenda 21. That will be accomplished on Nov 6 by voting NO to reinstate Forever Wild funding of up to $300,000,000 over the next 20 years.

You state, “Forever Wild is all about Bambi and Thumper.” To which I proclaim “not so quickly”.

You see, a stated purpose of Forever Wild is to “Promote a proper balance among population growth, economic development, environmental protection, and ecological diversity”, Alabama Constitutional Amendment 543, section 1 (c). If I hadn’t told you of the source you would have felt comfortable saying “oh yea that sounds like Agenda21.” Will it does and is.

Both were presented to the world in 1992 and promoting controlled population growth and economic development? Too close for me. How many of us want to give proponents of Agenda 21 and for that matter Forever Wild one inch or second of our time knowing once nibbled on the carrot there is no spitting it back even if rotten.

In some of my earlier blogs, I have shared facts and my concerns of the extreme environmental groups involved in our state ballot, such as The Nature Conservancy. You see as of Nov 2nd TNC has contributed nearly $540,000.00 to a PAC in favor of spending more of OUR money for bigger (and more useful – yea sure) government. That more than ½ million dollars represents 46% of the PAC’s income – including two loans. No one among those big government guys will answer the question “when is enough enough?”

The nearly $1.2 million dollars to convince us of something being so great is mind boggling. I on the other hand found out the hard way that inasmuch as I pulled from my pocket $1600 for yard signs I had to form a PAC. My bottom line is a carried forward balance of a five digit number counting cent placement at $615.00.

Nice to see the proponents consider those of us at the grass root level worthy opponents.

Why you may ask have I shelled out of my own pocket more than what my wife gives me in three to four year’s of allowance toward this cause? The same question I have asked myself several times. I tell folks at my age, chances are my warranty may be up before 2032, the last year of the 20 year span, provided for by this constitutional amendment. Someone has to stand up to protect and ensure our children are not held responsible for our financial “forever wild spending”, quote from a 17 year old student asking us not to hold her and her generation hostess with our wild spending. That chapter and book must be closed sooner than later. Many of our young children are in diapers today, why penalize any of our children for our selfishness?

As you most likely know, Alabama is broke! The money flowing into the Alabama Trust Fund has been dramatically decreasing for many years and the forecast remains unchanged. The state had to borrow $99m for unemployment obligations we could not meet costing us $1m in interest. The state borrowed $250 – 350m against a federal promise for a road and bridge program. Hey, lets not assume the fed wakes up and learns they are borrowing 40 cents on every dollar spent because if it did all of us in Alabama will be on the hook. No one asked us for permission to place our personal savings at such a high risk.

Hey, got another example to show our state check book is not in the best of shape.

Did you know immediately following voters (honestly, not one of those YEA voters are in my circle) approving a $420 million hit upon the same source that will be providing money to Forever Wild, Moody’s came out with a cautionary note. They warned “the state plans to rely on non-recurring revenue for operations, a credit negative.” Not sum’in to brag about but sum’in we can work upon fully knowing “spending is the problem.”

And all of this environmental stuff being used to court and convince hunters their “public hunting land” is only 227,000 acres are pawns in this government land grab.

Sum’in else to question? How many hunters do you suppose sit on The Nature Conservancy Board of Trustees? And they want to help Forever Wild acquire land for hunting? Put down the kool aid before it is too late.

There are in fact nearly 2.1 million acres of public conservation, recreational, wildlife habitat, and scenic land and water in the state already. You can easily see the breakdown and reference in the little green box in the left frame on every page of

Writing of a reference I have been accused in print of lies, mis and dis-information surrounding this position of defeating more funding for Forever Wild in this terrible down-turned economy. Obviously some are unwilling or incapable of reading facts and doing their own research but rely on what is said about the water cooler, swallowing party talking points, and blindly throwing sand at others from their own sand box. (With our federal government mindset, those throwing the sand and emptying their sand box do not have a thing to worry about because they’ll ask for us to refill it with pristine sand.) Proudly I can say this campaign has been 100% local grass roots without any endorsements or contributions. We are beholding to no one as all TEA Party patriots are.

You will find many references throughout the web site including 16 at the bottom of our “did you know page.” We are not hiding anything and speak with specifics and facts unlike the costly bill boards, media ads, and paid endorsements.

Please share this with every Alabama voter you know because if you choose not to “forward this to 10 of your best friends in the next 30 seconds” you, your family members, and maybe me will have another 20 years to wish you had. Explaining why you choose not to get involved when those in diapers today are looking forward to their first opportunity to vote might be difficult.

It is beyond my every imaginable thought process that anyone would not be willing to ensure the best financial future for our future generations. At least give that $615.00 vs $1,163.113.00 thought and a negative vote demanding to save OUR money for greater use about the state.

Vote “NO” on the first proposed constitutional amendment dealing with Forever Wild.

Not to toss too much choc-o-lot puddin’ into the bowl, I have the ballot language for all eleven ballot issues, thoughts, and how I am voting on these measures at Remember, politicians come and go, while these constitutional amendments may last “forever.”

Quite honestly I can go on, maybe even making this a short piece of non-fiction but you’ll find more on the and I can take a break knowing you are better informed than say 10 minutes ago.

Thank you for your interest, time and your “NO” vote.

Questions? Feel free to email me at