State Senator Robert Nichols Fails Texas Voters

Senator Robert Nichols Fails Texas Voters

Do you remember that long walk home when you had a bad report card in school? I do. My mind was racing with all the thoughts of what kind of punishment I was going to receive from my parents. Texas State Senator Robert Nichols should be wondering the very same thing when he makes that long walk to the polls and has to face all of the voters in district 3 with his failing report card.

Senator Robert Nichols Fails Texas Voters

Texas Eagle Forum grades Nichols with a 76% conservative rating in the 80th Session of the Texas Legislature, a 48% in the 81st, and a 60% in the 82nd as reported by Eagle Form shows Nichols to have a 60% average over the last three sessions and scores him with a D average. I am probably telling my age, but when I was in school, anything below a 65 was an F.

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility scores Nichols with a D average over the last three sessions, Heritage Alliance a C-, and Young Conservatives of Texas a D- with a 63%.

With grades like these, I could not imagine what my parents would have done. What will the conservative voters in Texas do? Maybe Senator Nichols should transfer to a new school – a school named, like maybe, the Democrat Party?

Fortunately for the conservative voters of Texas, they now have a choice between the failing grades of Senator Nichols, or they can elect a true conservative. Prominent TEA Party founder and activist, Tammy Blair has stepped up to the plate to run against incumbent Robert Nichols in the Republican Primary for the Texas State Senator of District 3.

As founder of the Tyler TEA Party, Tammy has worked with numerous conservative organizations across the state including the East Texas Constitution Alliance, the Grassroots Texans Network, and also yours truly She is a solid grassroots conservative.

For more info on Senate Candidate Tammy Blair, go to