Tea Party




Tea Party News
Pennsylvania 12, What Happened?

Mark Critz (D)
Mark Critz (D)

In what should have been an easy victory for the GOP in the special election to replace the long serving Pennsylvania Representative John Murtha, Democratic candidate Mark Critz soundly beat Republican hopeful Tim Burns by 8 points. With all the Tea Party protests, the growing opposition to congressional Democrats, the passing of the health care law, hints of cap and trade, and even hints of a VAT tax, you would think that this race would have been a no-brainer for the GOP, but that was not the case. The Dems held on to the seat; however both men won their respective primaries and will face each other again in November.


Candidate Tim Burns (R)Tim Burns (R)

Republicans were framing the race as a referendum on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the liberal agenda that is slicing through Washington like a juggernaut. Democrats were quick to come out and label the race as a rejection of Republican policies.

National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions said in a statement. “They will steer clear of publicly campaigning with President Obama and Speaker Pelosi, distance themselves from the Democratic agenda, and attempt to co-opt Republican positions on the issues.”

This race in November looks to be a shoot out. What influence the Tea Party has in November rematch remains to be seen.







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Read the Constitution

Read the Constitution

Everyone should read the US Constitution to know the founding principles and guidelines for the government of America. If you understand the Constitution, you will see more clearly how the politicians are ignoring what they have sworn an oath to uphold.

Read the Federalist Papers

The Federalist, or more commonly known as The Federalist Papers, is a series of essays written between October 1787 and May 1788 for the purpose of convincing New York residents to ratify the proposed Constitution of the United States.



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