To: Senator Marco Rubio-

    Senator John McCain-

    Senator Bob Menendez-

    Senator Michael Bennett-

    Senator Lindsey Graham-

    Sen. Jeff Flake-

    Sen. Chuck Schumer-

    Sen. Dick Durbin-

The resolution of our immigration policies is of utmost importance if we are to preserve the sovereignty of our great nation. After much research and discussion we have some commentary that is pertinent and should have a positive impact on what has become quite a divisive issue.

Firstly, immigration should be viewed through two perspectives, political impact and social policy. When one considers the real possibility of illegal immigrants obtaining the legal right to vote, or the also real possibility of voter fraud, then the number of illegal immigrants becomes very important. Protection of our citizens from fraudulent voting is imperative as is ensuring that obtaining legal voting status is not frivolously granted. When considering social policy it also becomes imperative to include tight safeguards to prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining subsidized benefits including public schooling.

Given the above it becomes clear that the most effective process to protect our citizens is to locate the illegal immigrants, deport them and require them to enter our country legally, even though the current thought is that this is impossible. After much research we posit that this is difficult but not impossible.

 Our current national policy of automatic citizenship for persons born while within the boundaries of this country needs to be revised as well. With this in mind our visa protocol needs to be revised to allow more latitude by the employers to bring immigrants into this country for work purposes. This would entail the employers being responsible for the well being of their employees while in this country and for the return of the workers at the end of the sanctioned stay. It is also important to understand that under the immigration reform being considered employers are being placed in the very unfair and costly position of enforcer.

It is clear that none of the above will be successful without firm border controls. A secure border is obtainable if we, as a people, have the will to insist on this protection from our governments, both state and national.

Lastly, we must insist on ASSIMLIATION for any immigrant wishing to become a permanent resident. Our current policy of diversity is simply a ploy to keep minority groups at odd with each other and legal citizens. This must stop if we are to return to a nation of opportunity and goodwill based in individual freedom.

Thank you for your attention and your hard work as you strive to resolve this most important issue.

Members, Gainesville Tea Party
Gainesville, Florida