Two Party System


Two Party System ~ Failed?


Two Party System FailedPolitical Party ~ Two Party System Failed?
Government Based on the Original United States Constitution
~ Proposed and Submitted by Johnnie Johnson
July 11, 2011

If the Founders of our Nation were here today, they would invite all Americans to control their Federal Government, by RETURNING TO THE ORIGINAL DESIGN OF THE CONSTITUTION AND VIVIFY IT. (to invigorate or enliven it) This would solidify power from the people, over their government.
To often we accuse others, Parties, Socialists, International Bankers, Secret Combinations, Labor Unions, etc., for our declining freedoms and prosperity. This controlling trend in government, is not as much a result of them against us, as it is American's failure to understand and unite under the founders guidelines for controlled government. We the people, have the upper hand! We’ve just FAILED TO USE THE APPOINTED CONSTITUTIONAL CONTROLS, OVER OUR GOVERNEMENT. Instead we have surrendered to party controls, divisions and usurpations since our National inception. Now for the sake of survival we must awake to our responsibilities, use the provisions the founders provided for control of government, and place our government into that servitude which the founders originally designed.
 In unity, forgetting all that divides us, committing together as freemen to return to and defend our constitution, no power on earth can conquer us. If we do not, in contentious party division, we will wither away and self-destruct, becoming fodder for other nations. The founders of this nation created a government where the citizens are the power and the overseers, and provided controls to peacefully reign in government, for whatever reason necessary, and without any party affiliation.
Let us bring more power back through the States to the people. The truth is, time has been on the side of the states. In our first National Census there were three plus million people, and now most states have far more people than that.
 States need the national programs less now, not more than ever before. The Federal arm over states and individual citizens, needs to shrink. State programs are a lot easier to modify or eliminate than national programs. Fraud and abuses of the people’s trust are easier to see and correct when closer to the people.
Let us take these following steps to return more power to the states and to the people by re-implementing the design of the Original United States Constitution and throw the chains of a free people over our Federal Government.
Critical Steps that need to be taken to return to government based on the original Constitution, and all without the threat of a constitutional convention:
   A) One Nation Under God. Our Strength and very existence as a free Nation, is based on a moral people.
   Improve the Moral Fabric of Society, starting with our own selves and our families, and require it of gov. Pg.5
B) Four Steps towards enjoying our Constitution in its original form.
1) Return citizen’s Constitutional controls over government, through the House of Representatives. Pg.8
         Power of the purse Pg. 9
         Impeachment Pg.10
             What size of Congressional District? Pg. 15  Current number in the House of Rep. began 100 years ago. Pgs.32-33
    Cost for increased number of Representatives per District. Pg.16
    Amendment XIV “Representatives shall be apportioned” is being misconstrued, to citizens detriment. Pg.18
2) Return selection and oversight of Congressional Senators to the State Legislature. Pg.19
3) Return the collecting of national taxes to the manner in which the founders originally established. Pg.21
4) Elect our U.S. President as the Constitution directs, without party participation. Pg.22
          C) Get rid of all political parties!
                The political party systems have kept Congress contentiously divided, effectively neutralizing the Constitutional tools for controlling our National Government. In short parties, while pretending to be the friend of freedom, have sought their own power over Government to the neglect of the people and our U.S. Constitution.  Pg.27
        One Nation, Under God. Our Strength and very existence as a free Nation, is based on a moral people:
With our creation, comes not only our unalienable rights, but God given responsibilities to nurture, and defend these heavenly gifts. Our Creator has given us guidelines for both our freedom and happiness, and allowed us to choose for ourselves. Let us embrace all that is heavenly, that we develop a society of honorable and just citizenry.
A patriot, Samuel Langdon, said this before the Massachusetts legislature in 1788: “On the people, therefore, of these United States, it depends whether wise men, or fools, good or bad men, shall govern…. Therefore, I will now lift up my voice and cry aloud to the people….
“From year to year be careful in the choice of your representatives and the higher powers (offices) of government. Fix your eyes upon men of good understanding and known honesty; men of knowledge, improved by experience; men who fear God and hate covetousness; who love truth and righteousness, and sincerely wish for the public welfare…. Let not men openly irreligious and immoral become your legislators….If the Legislative body are corrupt, you will soon have bad men for counselors, corrupt judges, unqualified justices, and officers in every department who will dishonor their stations...” End of Quote.
Again for the support of good religious conduct and proper moral behavior, the 30th President of the United States, Calvin Coolidge, said on October 15, 1924:
 “Our government rests upon religion. It is from that source that we derive our reverence for truth and justice, for equality and liberty, and for the rights of mankind. Unless the people believe in these principles they cannot believe in our government. There are only two main theories of government in the world. One rests on righteousness, the other rests on force. One appeals to reason, the other appeals to the sword. One is exemplified in a republic, the other is represented by a despotism. The history of government on this earth has been almost entirely a history of the rule of force held in the hands of a few. Under our constitution, America committed itself to the practical application of the rule of reason, with the power held in the hands of the people.”
President Coolidge further said, “The government of a country never gets ahead of the religion of a country. There is no way by which we can substitute the authority of law for the virtue of man. Of course we can help to restrain the vicious and furnish a fair degree of security and protection by legislation and police control, but the real reforms which society in these days is seeking will come as a result of our religious convictions, or they will not come at all. Peace, justice, humanity, charity; these cannot be legislated into being. They are the result of a Divine Grace.”
John Adams second President of the United States put it this way, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

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