Conservative Activists Call for Sitton Campaign to Stop “Railroading” Wayne Christian


Mary Huls


Conservative Activists Call for Sitton Campaign to Stop “Railroading” Wayne Christian

May 22, 2014 (Clear Lake, TX) – Conservative activists across Texas are calling on the “Ryan Sitton for Railroad Commissioner” campaign and the “Conservative Republicans of Texas” led by Dr. Steven Hotze to end the personal attacks and dishonest smear campaign against former Republican State Legislator Wayne Christian who is running for the Republican nomination for Texas Railroad Commissioner.

Over the last couple of weeks, Dr. Hotze’s political organization has blanketed Texas primary voters with mailers that call into question the conservatism and character of Wayne Christian. We view this as another example of the cutthroat dirty politics practiced by unscrupulous candidates, their political consultants, and masters of the “pay-for-play” slates for which the politics of personal destruction and winning at all costs are the norm.

Wayne Christian

Wayne Christian has been a bedrock Texas conservative throughout his service to Texas as an elected official. Mr. Christian served as President of the Texas Conservative Coalition and was a founding member of the Legislative Tea Party Caucus. These caucuses were established to give conservative legislators a platform to win debates at the Committee level and on the House Floor. Wayne has always had an open door policy as a legislator that welcomed tea party and other grassroots conservative groups. Wayne Christian has always been considered a tea party champion with respect to personal and economic freedoms. In fact, after he was gerrymandered out of his district by the liberal Republican Speaker Joe Straus, Wayne continued to meet and work with the conservative movement grassroots as a private citizen (something Ryan Sitton promised after his defeat for State Rep. but never followed through on).

Yet, without regard to Wayne Christian’s authentic record as a conservative lawmaker, his opponent in the race for TX Railroad Commissioner has initiated a campaign that has compared Wayne Christian to Harry Reid, indicated that he supports Obama energy policies, sponsored an attack website called “The Real Wayne” which falsely misrepresents Wayne’s legislative record, to vague religious references because of his last name (e.g., “a wolf in sheep’s clothing or false a prophet). However, the real conservative grassroots activists in Texas know Wayne Christian to be a man of solid conservative principles and values and he has the legislative record to back it up. Furthermore, we trust Wayne as a man of character who we look upon as a friend and not just a politician.

We call upon the Sitton campaign to disavow the attacks promulgated by his political supporter, Dr. Hotze and his political consultant, Allen Blakemore. We understand this may be difficult since all three share the same mailing address – One Greenway Plaza, Suite 225 Houston, Texas 77046. Yet we hope that the Sitton campaign will do the right thing and call off the political attack dogs.

Mary Huls, President of the Clear Lake Tea Party* “I have always known Wayne Christian to be a true friend of the tea party and the conservative movement that has flowered in Texas.”

Dale Huls, Clear Lake Tea Party * “I consider Wayne to be my friend in liberty and can always count on him to do what is right for Texas.”

Ray Myers, Kaufman County Tea Party* “Wayne Christian is the man who will protect Texas for the future of our children.”

Alice Linahan, Voices Empowered* “In transformational times like these we need elected leaders who are willing to take a stand. I am proud to stand with Wayne Christian for Railroad Commissioner of Texas. Wayne is a man of integrity and character who will stand up and defend Texas.”

Michael Kinzie, * “Wayne Christian has one of the most solid conservative voting records in Texas, has always been a staunch ally of the Tea Party, and will make decisions according to the best interest of Texans as Railroad Commissioner.”

Cindy Hyltin, Board Member, North Texas Tea Party* “The Honorable Rep. Wayne Christian has a rock solid CONSERVATIVE voting record that spans almost 16 years in the Texas House. He’s the man with experience and the experience it will take to stand against powerful lobby groups who want to diminish the freedoms we all hold dear. He’s a PROVEN true patriot who will represent “We the People.”

Tim Lambert, former Republican National Committeeman for Texas* “I’m appalled at the disinformation and personal attacks against Wayne Christian. He is an outstanding conservative and man of character and I support him wholeheartedly.”

William & Karen Marsalis, President, Panola County Conservatives*

Cathie Adams, President, Texas Eagle Forum*

Michael Smith, Conservative Nation Media*

Anne Newman, Leadership Team, Boerne Tea Party*

Julie McCarty, President, NE Tarrant Tea Party*

Carlos Amaral, Co-Founder, Ronald Reagan Conservative Society*

Michael McIver, Publisher, Texas Conservative Digest*

Melody Spray, Harrison County We The People*

*Titles included for identification purposes for the grassroots activists approving this statement.
