An Open Letter to America

United Precincts of America

Dear Americans,

Ronald Reagan understood that the Constitution given us by our Founders was one that trusted the people to govern themselves.

In his First Inaugural Address, Reagan said this:

From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government of, by, and for the people. But if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price.

Ronald Reagan said above: “the solutions must be equitable”. But I feel a need to add one thing and that is: the solutions must be anchored in our Constitution and founding principles.

Ronld Reagan went on to say:

We hear much of special interest groups. Our concern must be for a special interest group that has been too long neglected. It knows no sectional boundaries or ethnic and racial divisions, and it crosses political party lines. It is made up of men and women who raise our food, patrol our streets, man our mines and our factories, teach our children, keep our homes, and heal us when we are sick—professionals, industrialists, shopkeepers, clerks, cabbies, and truck drivers. They are, in short, “We the people,” this breed called Americans.

Ronald Reagan and our Founding Fathers believed in this thing I call the “Precinct Strategy”… America managed through self-governance. Managed of the people, by the people, and for the people!

My personal journey began November 2008 after having a conversation with my brother and a promise to him that I would investigate some way other than letter writing and protesting to make a difference. I have always resisted the notion that protesting, letter writing, and a vote for the lesser of two evils will accomplish the desired result. After months of searching and reading everything I could find in the realm of politics, I was at what I thought to be the end of my journey with no result. It was the spring of 2009 that I was given a document describing the precinct strategy. Moments after consuming that document, I knew I had the answer! The reality that Precinct Representatives have the authority to alter policy and endorsements hit me like a bolt of light. This was the answer for the millions of frustrated Americans.

You may be asking, what is this “Precinct Strategy”? The Precinct Strategy is a phrase that was coined to simply give it a name but in its working, is the very essence of the American political system able even to function exclusive of political parties. It is my conviction that the Precinct Strategy is the only “long-term” and “permanent” solution for solving America’s political despair.

While reading, and researching our Founding Fathers, I discovered these words of Thomas Jefferson with special attention on the wards. (“Ward” and “Precinct” are synonymous)

This is what he said:

The article nearest my heart is the division of counties into wards. These will be pure and elementary republics, the sum of all which, taken together, composes the state, and will make of the whole a true democracy as to the business of the wards, which is that of nearest and daily concern. The affairs of the larger sections, of counties, of states, and of the Union, not admitting personal transactions by the people, will be delegated to agents elected by themselves; and representation will thus be substituted where personal action becomes impracticable. Yet, even over these representative organs, should they become corrupt and perverted, the division into wards, constituting the people… a regularly organized power, enables them by that organization to crush, regularly and peaceably, the usurpations of their unfaithful agents, and rescues them from the dreadful necessity of doing it insurrectionally. In this way we shall be as republican as a large society can be, and secure the continuance of purity in our government by the salutary, peaceable, and regular control of the people.

That, my fellow Americans, is the True Business of the Precincts. What I refer to as the Precinct Strategy!

More and more people are learning the True Business of the Precincts but I would venture to guess that still, 99% of Americans lack the knowledge of the “true business” of the wards and precincts.

What is this business of the wards and precincts? This is where local people are actively engaged running their government by electing their precinct representative. For years, these positions have been virtually vacant thus eliminating any chance for true representation of, by, and for the people. This is reprehensible and should no longer be tolerated by any American. We need to inspire the American people through the knowledge of their rightful place, duties, and obligations as citizens of a free nation.

The problems we face today will persist until the people get involved in a real way. We must engage the American people to make sensible decisions on policy, at the local level, based on the knowledge of our “Founding Principles”. If we do not, the politicians, political parties, along with individuals and groups with an Anti-American agenda will ravage this country. It may take a few more years of teeter totter, but I can guarantee, if the Precinct Strategy is not implemented and our precincts reconstructed, America will go the way of Rome.

Education is the key! Moreover, pertaining to education, Thomas Jefferson said this:

I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.

In addition, we must view our politicians as real people. Politicians are not fairy-tale hero’s. Our Founding Fathers had a natural distrust (not disrespect) for politicians. This is what our Founding Fathers had to say on trusting politicians:

Alexander Hamilton wrote:

For it is a truth, which the experience of all ages has attested, that the people are commonly most in danger when the means of insuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion.

Thomas Jefferson said this with much vigor:

It would be a dangerous delusion were a confidence in the men of our choice to silence our fears for the safety of our rights; that confidence is every where the parent of despotism; free government is founded in jealousy, and not in confidence; it is jealousy, and not confidence, which prescribes limited constitutions to bind down those whom we are obliged to trust with power; that our Constitution has accordingly fixed the limits to which, and no farther, our confidence may go.

Thomas Jefferson went on to say:

In questions of power, then, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

George Washington concerned about an imperious government said:

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

George Washington made it very clear that government is not to be trusted and must be confined to a strictly interpreted constitution or it would destroy the freedom it was designed to protect.

James Madison concerned about the human frailties in the leaders said:

It may be a reflection on human nature that such devices [as Constitutional chains] should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? … If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. [But lacking these] in framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.

Current events demand that we focus educational efforts upon the uniquely American system of self-governance. Those same circumstances demand that the American citizenry never again abdicate their rights and responsibilities to an elite ruling class, as a consequence of misinformation, apathy, or the lack of education.

I have yet to meet an individual that did not understand they vote in a particular ward or precinct. Nevertheless, I have yet to meet an individual familiar with the office and the true business of Precinct Representatives. Once people understand the Precinct Strategy, they understand their precinct is more than just a polling location where citizens cast their vote… and that it’s more than just placing campaign yard signs for your favorite candidate.

Our Founders were also wary of political parties. This is what George Washington had to say:

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

Those words from George Washington were a warning and in looking at the condition of American politics, uniting the American Precincts is the required solution now more than ever.

George Washington also said:

The power of the Constitution will always be in the people. It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and, whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can and undoubtedly will be recalled.

We would do well to listen to our Founding Fathers… the very men that lived under British tyranny!

What we currently have are precincts laden with disengaged Americans. In addition, we have politicians doing only what is required to maintain power. They will dole out what carrots they must… and with our current stock of Congressmen and potential candidates, the horizon reveals no “real change” moving in the direction of our Founding Principles. Yes, for now, they are talking the talk… but will they walk the walk? History tells us they will not! History tells us they will do everything in their power to lull the giant back to sleep. Slumber, apathy, and the people’s misplaced trust in our representatives are the politician’s favorite weapon.

In addition, we have organizations (Tea Party, 912, Occupy Wall Street, Americans Elect, Freedom Works, PAC’s, etc., etc.) advocating ideas that are counter productive, waste resources, and will, in the end, fail to provide the required solution based on our foundational principles. Individuals and politicians can align themselves with these organizations and spout all day long on constitutional principles, but if the people are excluded from the process at the precinct level, and not actively engaged managing their government from their precincts, as intended by our Founding Fathers, we will continue to slip into the abyss.

Many of the candidates and our current representatives opine the virtues of our constitution, but they will never be held strictly accountable devoid the Precinct Strategy. Yes, the Precinct Strategy will require a commitment and a willingness to learn and give of your personal time, but it’s the only way… it is the way given us by our Founding Fathers! At this juncture in American history, our focus must be on the Constitution and restoration of the American Precincts.

Are we, or are we not Americans? YOU DECIDE… Who are we? I would like to convey who we are not! We are not Leftists, Socialists, Progressives, Communists, Marxists, Wall Street Occupiers, or Democrats. We are not Anarchists, Conservatives, Ultra-Conservatives, Tea Party Conservatives, Right Wingers or Republicans. The majority of Americans are none of those things. We are, in short, “We the people,” that breed called Americans. We are Americans first, and we stand by the US Constitution… our Constitution! The United States of America is a Republic with a Federal Government, limited in power as enumerated in our Constitution. If we ignore our constitution, we ignore who we are… we ignore our heritage… and we ignore the rule of law.

We are a country established by rule-of-law. A people unwilling to follow the rule-of-law will experience exactly what we have today… division, chaos, rioting, anarchy, and… a government corrupt from top to bottom. Our foundational and supreme law is the U.S. Constitution! If I know anything, I know this… Americans prefer the stabilizing forces of the rule-of-law. Americans prefer that we, as citizens, follow and obey the law. The primary reason we are experiencing our current problems is this… we are not adhering to the rule-of-law. We have allowed the knowledge of our Constitution and the true business of our precincts to slip away.

The United States Constitution is one of the most coveted documents ever written… and yet, it is the one document that is the most ignored! Ignored by the very people it was established to protect.

I believe in the American people but the American people have been absent and disengaged from the complete process. We are Americans and we must get away from labeling ourselves and allowing others to put labels on us. Now, just to be clear… that does not mean certain individuals do not have an ideology based wholly or partially on socialism, communism, or any other “ism” that is Anti-American. I think you will find that the majority of Americans do not prescribe to “isms” but have allowed themselves to be led down a road they would not necessarily go down if they were knowledgeable and well informed of their constitution; their civic duty; the true business of the precincts; precisely the intentions of our founding fathers; and why our Founding Fathers framed our Constitution the way in which they did.

We sit around listening to the politicians, the news anchors, and the political commentators deciding for us, the course of America. How is it, that you, the American people have any input or influence by watching and talking to the television, or… voting for the lesser of two evils? We have been on the outside looking in for over 100 years. The inventions of radio and television have caused us to just sit back… and we watch… and we listen… not participating in our most basic civic duties. By default, the politicians, the news anchors, and the political commentators have been making our decisions for us. It is time for the American people to disengage from castle in the sky politics and get fundamentally engaged with the political process and begin to direct the future course of America.

The Precinct Strategy is the bed-rock of our political system and requires that each and every citizen participate. Please, do not dismiss this! Take some time to understand its importance and allow principle to be your guide.

The United States Constitution is irrelevant without the means of enforcement. The means of enforcement is the Precinct Strategy. The Enforcer..? We the People!

Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.
― Daniel Webster

America is truly a miracle! If America’s beacon of freedom should ever cease to exist, mankind may never see true freedom again. But, I have hope and I believe in the American people.

Yes, there are lots of “groups” out there, but no one unifying organization except United Precincts of America that represent all of America. United Precincts of America is not a political party, but an independent voice that would total in the tens of millions of Americans. United Precincts of America exists for one purpose… to educate and create the largest American-Like-Minded bloc that is actively engaging the American people in this Precinct Strategy based on America’s Founding Principles. Education is KEY and we must all do our part to educate our neighbors and our children. The Precinct Strategy is the only way! I know this because it was the way of our Founding Fathers!

If you are interested in the advancement of truth, and wish to make a commitment to help educate, promote, and enlighten the people of the “true business” of the wards and precincts, please join with me and other Americans and get engaged.

I hope this finds you well and I look forward to working with you for a better America.

My Very Best,
Phil Glass, President/Founder
United Precincts of America