IAI finalists for Most Outstanding Investigator Award

Inspector Jacques Clouseau

Alinsky Rule 5 Post 24:

On June 14, 2018, the International Association of Investigators – not to be mistaken for the National Association of Investigators which will hold its Annual Meeting on June 21-22 in West Chester, Ohio – announced its three finalists for the Most Outstanding Investigator’s Award for mid-’17 to mid-’18.

NALI will hold this year’s Annual Meeting in London, which Transparency International recently labeled the world’s “number-one home for the fruits of corruption,” where the winner will be presented with a cap modeled after that worn by the world-famous French Inspector Jacques Clouseau.

This year’s three finalists for exemplary investigative techniques are:

First Nominee, NBC International Management

The nomination for NBC cites a statement in Westernjournal.com:

“Months after one of its biggest network stars left the airwaves in disgrace amid allegations of sexual harassment and other misconduct, NBC Universal released a report effectively absolving itself of any responsibility in fostering an environment where such alleged abuses could take place.  The findings suggested no one in NBC management was made aware of claims against ‘Today’ host Matt Lauer at the time of his alleged harassment of at least four women.”

The key language in the nomination is that “no one in the NBC management was made aware.”

Second Nominee, Former U.S. Attorney and now Jim Comey Lawyer, Patrick Fitzgerald

As the New York Times reported on May 27, 2018,

“As sexual abuse reports against Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar flooded in a year ago, besieged officials at Michigan State University announced they had ordered an internal review. Overseeing it would be Patrick J. Fitzgerald, a former federal prosecutor whose reputation for investigations into mobsters, terrorists and corrupt politicians led admirers to deem him a modern-day Eliot Ness. Last month, Mr. Fitzgerald wrote that no one at the university understood what Dr. Nassar, a faculty member and team physician, was up to until the victims began going to the news media in 2016.”

Mr. Fitzgerald’s law firm reportedly billed the university $900 an hour for his investigation, for a total of about $4 million.

Key language in the nomination of “Fitz” was he found that “no one in the university understood.”

Later, the Washington Post noted that:

“Michigan State has agreed to pay $500 million to settle lawsuits filed by 332 alleged victims of disgraced former sports physician Larry Nassar, both sides announced Wednesday, ending the university’s involvement in litigation over the former Olympic gymnastics doctor’s rampant sexual abuse of girls and women under the guise of medical treatment.”

Third Nominee, U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz

In his long-awaited report into the Justice Department’s investigation of its handling of the probe into Hillary Clinton’s misuse of emails, CNN wrote that:

“The massive report from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz makes clear that while several FBI officials broke with bureau protocol in their handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server during the 2016 campaign, they were not motivated by political bias against Donald Trump.”

Key language in the nomination of Horowitz is, “they were not motivated by political bias.”

There was no indication in the Horowitz Report as to the actual motivation for breaking bureau protocol.  Apparently, just as Clinton did not intend to break the law in her mishandling of confidential information, the bureau did not intent any harm toward Trump in their breaking of protocol.

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Hugo Floriani is a free lance writer and investigative reporter who occasionally writes for the Chicago-based website Illinois PaytoPlay,. That website, found at http://www.illlinoispaytoplay.com focuses on political and industrial corruption in and around the Chicago area. Most recently, it has extensively covered the continuing courtroom battles – largely ignored by the main stream media – involving alleged misbehaviors involving former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert, and allegations surrounding the alleged mishandling of asbestos on properties owned by Chicago-based United Airlines.