Texas Needs and Deserves a New Speaker of the House

Texas Speaker Showdown II

By Bob Hall 

Part 1

This is the first in a series of articles on why Texas needs a new Speaker of the House in the state legislature. David Simpson, a proven conservative has courageously stepped forward to challenge the incumbent, Joe Straus, for this position. No doubt this will be tough challenge. Joe Straus has served his money master well and has amassed a lot of power and influence with those who control the big bucks in Austin; including the more influential Democrats. It will take Republican state Reps with integrity, courage and a commitment to “service before self” to stand firmly on principle and replace Joe Straus.

Joe Straus vs. a Fence PostJoe Straus vs A Fence Post

Texans in general and especially conservative Texans deserve a real conservative as Speaker of the House. From a good study of their track-records, it is absolutely clear that David Simpson would be a far better conservative Speaker than Joe Straus. In fact a Fence Post would be a better Speaker than Joe Straus. Before you say “WHAT, are you nuts?”. Consider the following, all of which Joe Straus has done in the past and/or plans to do if he is re-elected:

A Fence Post would not appoint liberal Democrats to key committee positions.

A Fence Post would not appoint only loyal liberal Republicans to committee positions.

A Fence Post would not support Democrat candidates running against a Republican

A Fence Post would not try to spend the Rainy Day Fund on budget growth.

A Fence Post would not punish conservative Reps who disagreed with him on issues.

A Fence Post would not suppress conservative legislation through committee manipulation.

A Fence Post would not use accounting gimmicks to balance the budget.

A Fence Post would not kill legislation that improves education.

A Fence Post would not kill legislation that eliminates wasteful and unnecessary spending

A Fence Post would not kill legislation that improves health care delivery and reduces cost.

A Fence Post would not kill legislation that improves the business environment by eliminating a repressive tax burden.

A Fence Post would not kill legislation that restores constitutional rights and liberties trampled by the federal government.

A Fence Post would not create re-redistricting maps that punished those Reps who opposed him.

A Fence Post would not rely on Democrats to be elected Speaker.

A Fence Post would not use power, favors or money to influence Reps.

A Fence Post would not take millions of dollars from lobbyists who primarily give to Democrats.

A Fence Post would not use the legislature for personal to expand gambling in Texas.

A Fence Post would not vote to create a payroll tax or to increase the sales tax.

A Fence Post would not kill legislation to reduce the size of state government.

A Fence Post would not be referred to by Democrats as “their best friend in the state legislature:

A Fence Post would not be referred to by the homosexual community as “their best friend in the Texas legislature”.

A Fence Post would not advocate abortion expansion by supporting Planned Parenthood.

A Fence Post would not be thanked by Planned Parenthood for “his tireless efforts’ on their behalf.

A Fence Post would not have a family that stood to make tens of millions of dollars if slot machines were allowed at racetracks.

A Fence Post would not refuse to sign the Texas Budget Compact which would limit spending growth to inflation plus population growth.

A Fence Post would not be beholding to the “Open Borders” bib-big-big lobby.

And, this is just a partial list. The point is, in case you missed it, just about any true conservative would be better for Texas than Joe Straus. The real positive for supporting David Simpson is that none of the above could or would be applied to him.

 A vote for Joe Straus is a vote for PERSONAL GAIN

(Power, Money and/or Special Favors)


The only thing a Conservative who can’t bring themselves to vote for the Most Conservative Candidate in the Race for Speaker is to give Protest Vote! 

White Light Joe! 

Find your Rep here and call him/her. Tell them that you know all about who Joe Straus and how bad he has been for Texas. You expect your Rep to vote for the most conservative person running for the Speaker’s job and it is not Joe Straus.

Knowledge is Power~ Share with your friends!