Open Letter to All State of TX Senators


Honorable Senators,


As you are all aware, we are deeply committed to convincing you that Senator Carona’s substitute bill for SB 241 is needed in the state of Texas.  We are trying to give you all the information you need in order to make a decision based upon the facts and truth.

The video links below will help you understand the science and medical evidence that is now emerging regarding the smart grid and the smart meters.  The Transmission and Distribution Utilities can no longer dispute or ignore the facts that are now emerging.  The Public Utility Commission of Texas should be looking into all of the evidence emerging from the scientific, medical and academic communities regarding the Smart Meter Technology, and this should include the so-called Smart Grid that the TDUs in Texas, along with the Federal Government and the International Telecommunications Union (a United Nations’ Organization) is rushing to implement.

Doctor David Carpenter

Doctor Darren Schmidt

Doctor Dietrich Klinghardt

This issue is of utmost concern, and each of you, as Senators in the Great State of Texas, need to base your votes on facts and not talking points presented by a very powerful (no pun intended) industry and lobby.

As most should be aware by now, OnCor convinced the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce to actually send an email to their mailing list made up of local area businesses advising them on SB 241.  While this certainly is not illegal, it does seem to be unethical.  One of the Chamber’s Board Members is an OnCor employee.  This certainly appears to be a conflict of interest.  While the Chamber did not advise its members on the position they should take, they sure included OnCor’s view, even including actual scripted talking points for businesses to use in their correspondence relating to SB 241.

It should cross your mind to ask why a powerful company like OnCor is so concerned over the citizens of this state wanting to allow all consumers the right to opt-out, along with insisting that all consumers be given the true facts relating to the smart meters.  All of their talking points throughout our quest to inform the public and the PUCT included comments that most consumers are happy with the smart meter program and very few would actually want to opt-out.  If this is true, why are they insisting on unreasonable charges for opting out in addition to charging fees that do not correlate to the actual cost to their overhead?  I would also ask you to consider the fact that the TDUs had no problem with charging every consumer for the new meter, even if a consumer did not have one on their dwelling, but they seem to have a problem with not sharing the “opt-out” charge with every consumer whether they are opting out or not.  Where is the logic here, and in addition, how is this not discrimination?

We, the informed public/consumers, have been paying for their illegal full deployment of the smart meters for a long time, so why was it okay for them to charge everyone then and not now?  You want to spread the cost out to all consumers, fine, but why would you choose to discriminate now when the TDUs and the PUCT did not then?  Why were the TDUs allowed to bill everyone for the costs of the meters prior to the installation of the meters, without our consent?

I urge you to do the right thing!  This is not an issue that can wait.  If you care about your constituents, you will insist that:

1.       The TDUs send information to all electric consumers relating to the Advanced Meters (Smart Meters) to include both sides of the issue.
Let a consumer panel, made up by informed citizens have a say in the information that the TDUs send out.
Do not charge consumers wishing to opt-out an initial fee nor a monthly fee to opt-out.
Do not allow the TDUs to install any meter other than an “Analog” meter on properties where the owner is opting out from the smart meters.
Insist that the ERCOT grid never connects to another grid.
Insist that a joint committee of the senate and the house be created to investigate the health and safety issues related to the smart meters.
Insist that Insurers selling homeowner’s insurance include coverage for fires started in, near, or around the smart meters.

In addition, please know that if the Texas Senate and House fails to pass legislation in this 83rd session (or in a special session of the 83rd legislature) we will continue the fight for the safety, privacy, and welfare of Texans.

God Bless & Protect
The Constitution of The United States of America
Thelma A. Taormina