Florida High School activist nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Gun Control Activist David Hogg

An Alinsky Rule #5 Post

Several sources familiar with the deliberations of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, now in the process of receiving and considering nominations  for their 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, report that a Florida, USA high school student has been nominated by several prominent international citizens and a recent American Nobel Peace Prize winner, to receive the award for 2019.

David Hogg, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, who was not injured in the shooting there on February 14, 2018, recently appeared on ABC News’Good Morning America” where he said,  “We are sick and tired of the inaction here in Washington and around the country” by politicians who are “owned by the NRA. Today we are going to start a revolution.”

The Nobel Committee announced its acceptance of the Hogg nomination is this statement:

“Student activist David Hogg was the ideological leader of a ‘revolution’ in America to ‘save the children’ by removing firearms from a society where they abound in great numbers.  Hogg almost singlehandedly organized and solicited funding for a series of nationwide protests to ‘ban the guns’ highlighted by a mass protest on Pennsylvania, Avenue in Washington D.C.  where he was the motivational keynote speaker at the main event in the District of Columbia attended by many prominent Democrat politicians and several Hollywood stars.

Because of his efforts to make America a Gun-Lobby-Free-Zone by banning the National Rifle Association, the Committee has accepted and will seriously consider his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize of 2019.”

Here is a short video clip of part of Hogg’s inspirational speech to the D.C. crowd:

Attempts to get Hogg’s reaction to his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize were unsuccessful.  His publicist stated that Hogg was heavily scheduled in multiple on-camera media interviews and public appearances for the foreseeable future, and was meeting with representatives of a prestigious printing house to negotiate the publishing of his autobiography.

The Daily Wire recently reported that the Florida high school anti-gun activist and social justice warrior has announced his next social justice crusade via his twitter posting below.

David Hogg Twitter

Meanwhile, the Federalist has highlighted Hogg’s use of strong language to emphasize his position:

“Hogg has said the National Rifle Association and Republican Sen. Marco Rubio ‘want to keep killing our children,’ that control of the government must be wrested from ‘old-ass’ parents who ‘don’t know how to use our democracy,’ and referred to politicians who are staunch supporters of the 2nd Amendment as “sick f*ckers” who want to ‘murder more children’”.

The Washington Free Beacon has assembled several of Hogg’s fiery remarks employing strong language displayed below.

When asked for a comment on Hogg’s language, his spokesperson said, “I don’t think he gives a @$#% what any adult says or thinks.”

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Hugo Floriani is a free lance writer and investigative reporter who occasionally writes for the Chicago-based website Illinois PaytoPlay,. That website, found at http://www.illlinoispaytoplay.com focuses on political and industrial corruption in and around the Chicago area. Most recently, it has extensively covered the continuing courtroom battles – largely ignored by the main stream media – involving alleged misbehaviors involving former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert, and allegations surrounding the alleged mishandling of asbestos on properties owned by Chicago-based United Airlines.