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TEA Party Goes Global


TEA Party Goes Global | TEA Party Italia's Luca Bocci Interview
by Tom Moore - NE Tarrant TEA Party

May 6, 2011

Luca Bocci TEA Party Italia Spokesman
Luca Bocci - TEA Party Italia Spokesman

Senator Harry Reid and other liberals are anxious to announce the waning influence of the Tea Party. But is the Tea Party in decline? Against improbable odds and a barrage of misrepresentation by a biased media the Tea Party’s message of limited government and fiscal responsibility is gaining wider acceptance. Common sense conservatives around the globe are watching the movement with great interest. Dismayed by the fact that socialists, statists and progressives have ruined their economies they are forming grassroots Tea Party groups in Europe and other countries around the world. In the past year Tea Party inspired groups have sprung up in the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Austria, the UK, Australia, Columbia, and Japan.

The inevitable result of socialism is economic malaise and restricted freedom by intrusive government regulation and control. Their promise of fairness and social justice rings hollow when compared to the reality of cronyism, corruption and abuse of power. One only has to look at the dreary conditions in Greece to see the result of many years of socialist mismanagement.

A key person behind an international effort to promote the Tea Party values of limited government, fiscal discipline and personal liberties is Luca Bocci, a journalist and spokesman for Tea Party Italia. Luca became involved after witnessing the destruction of the textile industry through socialist government mismanagement and over regulation in Prato, Italy. He says the American movement’s call for less government resonates among European conservatives. He came to admire the wisdom evident in the US Constitution and the protections it guarantees to the people. Tea Party Italia formed as a result of concerned local citizens who believe in limiting the scope of government and excessive spending, a concept that is met with considerable resistance by the entrenched ruling elite. As expected, they struggle to deal with hostile media coverage and to dispel lies spread in an attempt to discredit the movement. Bocci says grassroots organizing is innovative and critical to success. In Europe the tradition is top down with the established political party setting the agenda. The Tea Party has to be something coming from the people. Bocci has been touring the US, visiting with local Tea Parties, receiving advice, sharing experiences and learning about the organization on an individual level. He eschewed meeting with self-proclaimed leaders who endeavor to be the “face” of the movement but frequently have personal agendas and distracting egos. He places great emphasis on local, “grassroots” efforts as evidence of genuine credibility.

In Dallas, Bocci met with the Dallas Tea Party and NE Tarrant Tea Party to discuss his “journey” and ideas for expanding internationally. He believes the effort will be most effective by proceeding carefully at the local level and engaging people one-on-one. Internationally, people can learn what has been done in America and adapt it to their culture and political situation. He declared, “The struggle in Italy and elsewhere in Europe is going to be much harder than the one our American cousins are fighting.
The reason is very simple: people have forgotten what it’s like to live a full existence, free of the endless constraints, regulations and petty acts of government abuse that have become a part of the life of every European citizen.”

The importance of the Tea Party movement cannot be overstated. Its impact will affect all people worldwide who desire personal freedom and the opportunity for a better life. The appeal to freedom tugs at the human heart and is the binding thread that will bring people to this cause. Our message must be consistent with our principles. It is incumbent on all Tea Party members to be steadfast in their commitment to core values of integrity and honesty. Credibility and trust is the key to achieving our common goals.

by Tom Moore


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