Comments to Rayford Price


Rebuttal to Rayford Price Letter Opposing GOP Caucus
by Mary Lou Bruner
- January 4, 2011

Ref: Rayford Price Letter

Former Speaker Rayford Price did not say if he was a Democrat or a Republican.  He was probably a Democrat.  It is highly unlikely that ten Republicans in the House would have been able to elect the Speaker.  But still, it would have been thoughtful for Mr. Price to be transparent and tell the readers he is a Democrat commenting on whether the Republicans should have a caucus or not.  In the interest of full disclosure, he should have told the readers he is supporting Joe Straus for Speaker of the House.

After Mr. Price said he was against the Republicans having a caucus, he said he had no problem with both parties having a caucus discussing who they should elect as speaker.  It makes a person wonder if the Democrats have already held a caucus picking their choice for Speaker.  In the last election, 100% of the Democrats supported Joe Straus, a Republican.  It is strange that 100% of the Democrats individually selected a Republican for Speaker.  Do you think they might have had a caucus to decide what their strategy would be to get someone favorable to the Democratic agenda?
The Democrats do not want the Republicans to get their voting power organized as the Democrats have.  The Democrats want to split the Republican votes so they can choose a Speaker who acts like a Democrat regardless of what he calls himself.  It worked last time; it might work again!

Mr. Price seems to have a problem with Republicans holding a caucus to decide who the party will elect for Speaker.  But evidently he has no problem with Joe Straus collecting signatures on a pledge of support for his election as Speaker.  This pledge was circulated beginning on November 3, 2010, the day after the election.
Joe Straus is trying to hold those members to a promise they should never have made.

To quote Mr. Price, author of this article, “I cannot believe any member would agree to give up that right and duty….”
The voters of Texas elected a Super-Majority of Republicans to the Texas House of Representatives and we want a conservative for the Speaker of the House so our legislation will be presented for a vote.  Conservatives all across Texas have spoken.  We do not want Joe Straus who does not represent our interests.
We will replace many of those who vote to elect Joe Straus.  Some will be voted out during the Primary Elections, and others will be voted out in the General Elections.

If Mr. Price wants to comment on whether the Republicans should caucus or not, that is his right as an American and as a Texan.  But it is the reader’s right to know that he has a horse in this race.

Joe Straus vs. Matt Beebe

We lost the battle of getting Ken Paxton elected as the Texas Speaker of the House for the 82nd legislature, but that does not mean we have given up.

We now are working to not only prevent Joe Straus from becoming the Texas Speaker of the House for the 83rd legislature, but to prevent his re-election to the Texas House of Representatives. founder, Michael Kinzie has endorsed Matt Beebe in HD-121 and we are all working hard to get Beebe elected to rid the House of Representatives of Joe Straus.

To see how you can help, please go to Matt Beebe's page on our site.

Oust Joe Straus Rally RSVP HereRSVP on Facebook!

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