Oust Joe Straus


Oust Joe Straus


Joe Straus vs. Matt Beebe

We lost the battle of getting Ken Paxton elected as the Texas Speaker of the House for the 82nd legislature, but that does not mean we have given up.

We now are working to not only prevent Joe Straus from becoming the Texas Speaker of the House for the 83rd legislature, but to prevent his re-election to the Texas House of Representatives.
TEAParty911.com founder, Michael Kinzie has endorsed Matt Beebe in HD-121 and we are all working hard to get Beebe elected to rid the House of Representatives of Joe Straus.

To see how you can help, please go to Matt Beebeā€™s page on our site.

The Info Below is Outdated

Contact Reps supporting Joe Straus and ask them to withdraw support for Joe Straus and instead support Ken Paxton for Texas Speaker of the House. Feel free to use this letter and sign your name in place of Bob Hall of the Canton Area Tea Party Patriots.


Dear Texas State House Representative:
Make no mistake about it.
Your vote for Speaker will be the most important vote you make between now and the 2012 primary.
If there was any doubt in your mind how your constituency wants you to vote, that doubt should be completely erased by the recent Heritage Alliance poll. That poll clearly showed that almost 90% of the people who elected you to your office strongly favor a conservative speaker. And, don't try to hide behind the swill touting Straus as a conservative. The people know the truth. Based on his record in the legislature and as Speaker he is not even a moderate.
And I do hope you do not make the regrettable mistake of underestimating the commitment, dedication and strength of the Tea Party organizations who are spearheading the effort to elect a conservative Speaker. Take a look at the table below. I am sure you recognize the names in the left column. They were all well funded incumbents who were expected to easily win re-election.  No one expected the challengers to even come close to winning because no one not comprehend the commitment, dedication and strength the tea Party organization both within and outside their districts.



Mark Homer

Erwin Cain

Tommy Merit

David Simpson

Jim McReynolds

James White

Robert Miklos

Cindy Burkett

Carol Kent

Stefani Carter

Please understand that Tea Party support is continuously contingent on the elected servant performing as a bona fide conservative.  Lip service given to conservatism during the election cycle will no longer cover-up voting action in the legislature. conservative Tea Party support in 2010 is no guarantee of that same support in 2012. Every elected servant will be continuously watched, scored and evaluated on their 2011 performance. Keep in mind that the weight of the vote for speaker will be greater than the combined weight of all other votes during the 2011 session.
As I understand it, the voters in District 4 are extremely disappointed in their freshman, Lance Gooden. His apparent unwavering yet irrational loyalty to Straus (perhaps it was the $60K + he received from outside sources) that they have already initiated a search for a real conservative to replace Gooden in 2012. He may regret his defiant stance as these Tea party Patriots were part of the coalition that helped defeat each of the incumbents in the above table.
Most likely your early commitment to Straus was made without adequate thought being given to what the people wanted you to do. Now that you know, you have no excuse (except possibly ego, power and money) for voting for the liberal Straus. Please try to remember you were elected to support the people not vice versa.

Bob Hall,
East Texas Conservative Alliance Member
Canton Area Tea Party Patriots



Joe Straus vs. Matt Beebe

We lost the battle of getting Ken Paxton elected as the Texas Speaker of the House for the 82nd legislature, but that does not mean we have given up.

We now are working to not only prevent Joe Straus from becoming the Texas Speaker of the House for the 83rd legislature, but to prevent his re-election to the Texas House of Representatives.
TEAParty911.com founder, Michael Kinzie has endorsed Matt Beebe in HD-121 and we are all working hard to get Beebe elected to rid the House of Representatives of Joe Straus.

To see how you can help, please go to Matt Beebe's page on our site.

Oust Joe Straus Rally RSVP HereRSVP on Facebook!

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Read the Federalist Papers

The Federalist, or more commonly known as The Federalist Papers, is a series of essays written between October 1787 and May 1788 for the purpose of convincing New York residents to ratify the proposed Constitution of the United States.



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