Hispanic Conservatives


Hispanic Conservatives - Article


It is time for a Conservative Revolution in the Hispanic Community
by George H. Rodriguez
- November 18, 2010

Hispanic Conservatives Speak Out
Hispanic Conservatives Speak Out

The recent elections and the Hispanic support for Republican candidates have surprised many political analysts. It seems that people are seeing through liberals and Democrats who say conservatives are racists and “only work for the rich”. They have also painted Hispanics as helpless “victims of institutional racism” and claimed “the government needs to protect them”. However, it appears Hispanics are starting to look for something different than from the tired liberal rhetoric of the past 45 years.

Democrats and liberal Hispanics have always offered the same answers to poverty in the Hispanic community… more public money (tax payer money) for government sponsored programs.

It is obvious from the latest statistics that the Democrats’ “War on Poverty” has failed. There is more poverty and there are more social problems among Hispanics today than ever before. The school drop-out rate is extremely high, teen pregnancy is high, and grandparents are left raise the children, while the teen fathers shirk or ignore their responsibility. All the while crime and gang violence continue to plague Hispanic communities.

After 45 years of liberal programs and their obvious failure, it’s time for a change. It’s time for a conservative revolution – a grassroots call for conservative solutions. Hispanics need a new plan of action that emphasizes entrepreneurship and private enterprise, and personal responsibility.    

The new revolution is about the growth of personal wealth. Contrary to what liberals and Democrats preach, it is not a sin to be successful or prosperous! Why should President Obama say that anyone has “enough wealth”?  Forty five years of liberal welfare policies and programs have also retarded the economic growth of many Hispanics. It appears liberals and Democrats have wanted to keep people poor to keep them voting for their “class struggle”. Hispanics need to take the initiative to move toward personal economic independence. Personal economic freedom in a free market without government interference is the answer to a better future.

Liberals and Democrats have long alleged that conservatives and Republicans are racists. This is an old and tired argument. Why isn't it racism when Hispanic Democrats support non-Hispanics Democrats over Hispanic Republicans? The allegation of racism by Democrats and liberal Hispanics is just another cynical political tool.

In South Texas, there is the issue of immigration. Liberal and Democrats are using this issue to show their sympathy and support for the Hispanic community, but this is yet another political ploy. Liberals and Democrats have controlled the Presidency, the House, and the Senate for 2 years. When they wanted to push through Health Care, they did it over Republican objections. However, they claim Republicans have prevented Immigration Reform. How is it that Health Care was pushed, but Immigration Reform wasn't?  Furthermore, Hispanics are realizing that conservatives are not anti-Hispanic or anti-immigrant as liberals claim. 

Conservatives want orderly immigration into the US. The US needs to know and control who enters the country, particularly in time of war. Securing the border is a primary concern to control crime and illegal entry. Also, a guest worker program should be considered because it would allow aliens to come to work in the US and to return to their home countries safely.

 A conservative revolution among Hispanics is long over due. Liberal and Democrat policies and programs have kept many Hispanics separate and unequal either by intent or by misguided efforts.

Ya basta! Out with the old and in with the new.


(George H. Rodriguez is Chairman of the Juan Seguin Society, a conservative Hispanic organization affiliated with the San Antonio Tea Party. Contact: 210-367-2058)



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