Dems Throw Race Card in Speaker's Race


Joe Straus vs. Matt Beebe

We lost the battle of getting Ken Paxton elected as the Texas Speaker of the House for the 82nd legislature, but that does not mean we have given up.

We now are working to not only prevent Joe Straus from becoming the Texas Speaker of the House for the 83rd legislature, but to prevent his re-election to the Texas House of Representatives. founder, Michael Kinzie has endorsed Matt Beebe in HD-121 and we are all working hard to get Beebe elected to rid the House of Representatives of Joe Straus.

To see how you can help, please go to Matt Beebe's page on our site.

The Below Info is Outdated

Dems Throw the Race Card in the Texas House Speaker's Race
Who is the Real Racist in the Texas House?
by George H. Rodriguez - January 8, 2011

Tea Party Protests Texas House Speaker's Race
Texas Tea Party

When boxer Mike Tyson bit the ear of Evander Holyfield, it was an act of desperation by a loser. When Rep. Joe Deshotel (D-Port Arthur) of accused Republicans in the Texas House of Representatives of racism it was another act of desperation by a loser. Republicans in the state House want to set a precedent and hold a party-only caucus to nominate and elect the new speaker. This is the same process as is used in the US House of Representatives.  Deshotel claims that it is racism because there aren't enough minorities represented.  This claim is ridiculous and shows the small mindedness of liberal minority leaders and Democrats.

American politics is based on participation and representation. If you don’t participate, you don’t get represented. As a conservative Republican who happens to be Hispanic, I could make the same ridiculous claim of racism against the Tuskeegee Airmen because they don’t have enough (or any) conservative Hispanics. If Dehsotel wants to participate with the new majority in the Texas House, perhaps he should consider switching parties.
Liberal Democrats have frighten minorities for generations claiming all Republicans are racists, and too rich to care about the poor. They have established themselves as political bosses over poor minority communities, and they have made minorities dependent on government for almost everything. In the 45 years of the Democrats’ War on Poverty, poverty has only increased in black and Hispanic communities.

If anyone is a racist, it is politicians like Deshotel who won’t discuss issues or ideas with their opponents, but rather resort to name calling and scare tactics. Deshotel and his liberal Democrat associates in the Texas House and Senate should cuts taxes and regulations to support private enterprise and business growth. They should support reading, writing and math, rather than sex education. They should tell kids to stay in school and quit having babies.  They should encourage minorities to participate in and to be part of America, rather than segregating them.

The real racists are minority leaders like Deshotel, who only see race and ethnicity, rather than issues and ideas.  It’s time for a conservative revolution in minority communities in Texas and in the rest of America.

About the Author - George Rodriguez
George Rodriguez is a Tea Party member in San Antonio, TX and Chairman of the Juan Seguin Society. The Juan Seguin Society seek to reach out to Hispanics to educate and inform them about conservative issues.  He can be contacted at

Joe Straus vs. Matt Beebe

We lost the battle of getting Ken Paxton elected as the Texas Speaker of the House for the 82nd legislature, but that does not mean we have given up.

We now are working to not only prevent Joe Straus from becoming the Texas Speaker of the House for the 83rd legislature, but to prevent his re-election to the Texas House of Representatives. founder, Michael Kinzie has endorsed Matt Beebe in HD-121 and we are all working hard to get Beebe elected to rid the House of Representatives of Joe Straus.

To see how you can help, please go to Matt Beebe's page on our site.

Oust Joe Straus Rally RSVP HereRSVP on Facebook!

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